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Choose from my 3 special programmes that are
designed to supercharge your progress:
Change happens over time so I recommend we work together for a minimum of 3 to 6 months. As we work together, you will start making better, smarter decisions about your business and your life.

An initial 6 session, 3 month programme that gets you moving forward.
This will enable you to experience the brilliant benefits of coaching
and make progress towards your goals. Programme includes:
Discovery (1.5 hours) & Completion sessions
BONUS 'future self' visualisation session

12 session, 6-month intensive programme focussed on evoking real change. We will work together every 2 weeks to ensure momentum, with special sessions to focus on particular issues such as career, relationships and your inner critic.
Discovery (1.5 hours) & Completion session
Email/wa/telegram support in-between sessions

12 fortnightly sessions followed by 3 monthly sessions to deepen the learning and embed new positive, lasting habits. Programme includes:
All of the Seeker content, plus
Optional FREE 10 minute top up COACH CALL in-between sessions
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