BEAT THE BURNOUT: 6-Week Programme
Reconnect - Focus - Thrive
Are you running on empty? Do you love what you do but don’t want to sacrifice everything just to keep going? I know that feeling well. I spent years trying to do it all, working harder, longer, faster, until one day I realised I couldn’t do it anymore.
This meant walking away from everything I had built. It's many years now since that experience but I've never forgot the lesson. I trained to be a coach so I could help busy, dedicated people like you avoid the same fate.
I’ve created this short 6-Week course that's designed to jump-start you onto a healthier, happier path.
About the course
Over the course, we’ll focus on how to build resilience, boost resources and activate your own intuitive wisdom in powerful, productive ways. I’ll share some tools and techniques that will help you bring new insights to old problems, change unproductive habits and set new, inspiring goals:
Week 1: Values - we will explore what matters most to you, how to use your values to navigate better decision-making and make healthier choices
Week 2: Dreaming – you’ll discover how to start manifesting what you truly want for yourself and your life
Week 3: Beliefs – uncover self-limiting beliefs and learn how to transform them into powerful friends
Week 4: Inner Critic – you’ll learn how to recognise the saboteur voices that keep you stuck and how to navigate through the chatter
Week 5: Focus – where we put our attention matters. You’ll learn how to recognise energy-sapping habits and redirect it to where it counts
Week 6: Future – we’ll end the course with a review and a powerful visualisation that will tap into your own deepest wisest self who may have a surprising message for you
I know you are busy which is why I’ve made it easy for you to say yes to this commitment. For just one hour every week, you’ll get plugged into an uplifting and energising session that will help make the other 167 hours more productive, more satisfying, and on track.
By the end of the 6-week course you will walk away with tools and a plan that will RECONNECT you to what matters, FOCUS your energies on what counts so you can THRIVE and enjoy the ride.
Still have questions? Book a complementary consultation call.
Next Course TBA
Thursdays 12:00 noon – 1:00pm GMT (via Zoom)
PS: Group coaching is a unique and powerful experience. This course is limited to 6 places to ensure individual attention, opportunities for peer to peer sharing and direct coaching from me.
I was feeling burnt out, but after working with Amanda I was able to design a full campaign which has reached 12.9k people on Instagram and helped me promote my new book! Thanks for helping me find my creative energy again Amanda .
Sian Conway-Wood
Amanda's session was a fantastic opportunity to take stock and put in place some self-care strategies.
Jo Salter